Voice of a Kashmiri
- Khan Tauseef from Srinagar, Presently staying in TamilNadu Before 1947 jammu and kashmir was a princely state and had no connection with india and pakistan which both were under british rule and occupancy, till 1947 we had our own prime minister called sadri riyasat ,now comming on post independence of india and pakistan . On October 27, 1947, Maharaja Hari Singh, the then ruler of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), signed the dubious instrument of accession with the Indian government allowing Indian forces to land in Srinagar in order to oust Pakistan-backed armed groups who were in a position to oust the Dogra rule from there. But the agreement was once the situation would be inder control indian forces had to leave kashmir but after that india army didn't leave and which results in to the first Indo-Pak war which resulted in the creation of the ceasefire line and occupation of a part of Jammu, Kashmir, and Ladakh by India. Only Gilgit, Baltistan and a small part of J&K came u...